Saturday, May 17, 2008

BackTrack 3 BETA

BackTrack 3, the best in security testing. It's a free ISO you can either burn to a CD-R and use in live mode, or you can run it from a USB drive. I chose to run it two ways. The first is by making a Virtual Machine on VMware Player (Download here), the second is with a LiveCD. Without shelling out cash, you don't have many easy options for a VMware virtual machine. So I made a custom one, but that is a story for another post.
BT was modified for use in Penetration Testing, which is when a company tests their system/software security. The tools included in BackTrack 3 are quite numerous. They range from computer password crackers, to FTP password crackers, to spoofers, to just about every other naughty tool. Some of the best tools (In my opinion) are the ones who automate the process of cracking targets, or just anything that makes a process simple.

The Full List

+Information Gathering: ASS= Automated System Scanner

+Network Mapping: Ping (Duh...)

+Vulnerability Identification: SQL Injection: If it's THAT easy to break into a site...then Damn.

+Penetration: Milw0rm Archive

+Privilege Escalation: DHCPX Flooder, John The Ripper, Rainbow Crack, Hydra, xHydra, Webcrack

+Maintaining Access: HTTPtunneling, Backdoors (I hate those...)

+Radio Network Analysis: Aircrack, bluebugger

+VOIP and Telephony Analysis: SIPcrack

+Digital Forensics: Sleuthkit, Rootkithunter

So definitely check it out. Just remember ONLY use it for legal purposes. Not my fault if you get your ass sued for being stupid.